Grozdanović Lazarević Nikolić (GLN) is a full-service commercial law firm. GLN provides business and legal services in an easy and efficient way.
Our team has extensive experience with in-depth understanding of the local business and regulatory landscape. We manage cross-border transactions with implications in Serbia and other former Yugoslav republics.
Our clients are international and domestic investors active across Serbia’s main business sectors, including automotive, banking and financial services, energy and utilities, real estate, construction, infrastructure, manufacturing, mining, and telecommunications. We also represent state agencies and institutions.
Complex arbitration before LMAA and a court proceeding before the High Court in London
It is a pleasure to share that our Partner, @Petar Grozdanovic and of counsel @Velimir Zivkovic are engaged in a
Efekti odluke NBS o privremenim merama koje se odnose na stambene kredite fizičkim licima
U nameri da zaustavi sve veću inflaciju, Evropska centralna banka je donela odluku o povećanju EURIBOR-a (referentne kamate u Evrozoni